so the story goes like this....our original plan (and plane tickets) were from here to toronto, then toronto to victoria to embark on a bike tour up the island, through the inside passage ferry (from port hardy to prince rupert) and then home...well, as the day of departure approached for me (read: the night before i left) we realized there were too many logistics for this type of trip that, sadly, it wasn't going to happen. disappointed, i sent jon a link to west jet to cancel our flight to victoria and change it to return home...well...just so happens that when you decide to change a flight on a thursday between 1pm and 4pm, west jet has amazing seat sales! and so that is how we ended up en route to last minute change of plans ever!
enough jibber jabber...but the photos will have to come in a couple of posts...
so, part one of vacation (or: why are there so many babies in toronto?)

my very first day of vacation (hanging out at the lake in Prince George with Amy and her mum...i left Smithers a few days before Jon and Amy was nice enough to get me from the bus station, take me for breakfast, hang out all day doing absolutely nothing, and then drive me to the airport to catch my flight to Toronto).

i finally got to meet my new niece Juliana Elisa...

...and spend some quality time with my nephew Jackson!

Jacks en route to dinner with mom and pops
Jules reading the menu

had a nice dinner out with the fam...Jacks was totally enjoying his pizza

and his juice...

then another juice...before he projectile vomited all over the wall...ha! fun times, fun times
(thankfully we had a trooper of a waiter)

all the excitement tuckered Jules right out...

the first of family functions was the christening of our cousin's David and Sabrina's son Justin

my first time meeting Justin...what a cutie.

on Monday we picked up Jon to join in the fun

Jacks wore his Smithers t-shirt in honour of Uncle Jon's visit...and Uncle Jon's hat
Jon took this photo of me changing Jules' diaper...he thought it was funny...obviously it was quite vile

Jacks got a hold of my camera and snapped this pic of Uncle Jon

showing Jacks how to take a self-portrait

of course then he couldn't stop taking random photos
(hmmm...i wonder what he's getting for christmas...)
friday night we went to the city for an awesome concert and stayed with our dear friends chris and aleah and got to spend time with their cute kid little, naturally, more photos of babies:

big jonny & little johnny

the next day we had a bbq out on the island with friends whom we miss dearly...and it wasn't until after our time in toronto when i was looking at the photos on my camera that i realized 98% of the photos consisted of kids. the only photo i have our awesome friend time on the island was this one:
s' part of the s'mores wars
(although this is an awesome photo, i really missed out on some pics of a great time with our friends...if anybody has any pictures, please send them along!)

seeing as it was our first wedding anniversary while we were visiting family, mum and mel made this awesome recreation of our wedding cake (and tasty carrot to boot!) and had jon's parents and niece Claire over for anniversary dinner...
i kept trying to take photos of Claire, but this was the best i instead, more babies:

Jules in her baseball beanie

Jules in her Sunday best (her christening)

Jacks with Nonna at Juliana's christening

Jackson loves loves loves "Jule"

i had to put this pic of mum and dad with Jules here because the funny story behind this otherwise good-looking photo was that although Jules looks like she's smiling she is actually cranky-faced because (unbenown at the time) there is poo all up her back
on this visit we also got to meet Tanya and Billy's new kidlet, Austin....another cute kid!

much needed family and friend time (the whole family, despite only having photos of meeting all the new babies)...
great pictures, glad you had a great time home. we miss you guys already.