seeing as we've been really behind on posting (i have quite a few pics from various outdoor pursuits over the last few weeks), here's an interim post...
take a look at what our garden has produced!
these delights have really come through in the last couple of weeks...now that the rain has stopped...temporarily, i'm sure.
my favourite 4 ingredient meal as of late...the 4th ingredient are the itsy bitsy tomatoes from the planters on the porch (not-pictured)...so fresh and tasty!



lettuce too

baby rainbow chard

still waiting for brussels, beans, peas, garlic, carrots, beets ...and the other day when i was weeding i unearthed a red potato...i promptly covered that back up in anticipation of the fall harvest...along with the acorn squash that's sprouting)

(our neighbours are just picking their strawberries now! in august!)

the apple that could have been
(we have been losing a lot of the "weaker" apples lately as the trees out front get heavier and mature for the fall...but this picturesque one right here seemed like it maybe just could have made it...)
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