first stop: deeeeelicious fish tacos from Red Fish Blue Fish (on Bebee's recommendation)...shipping container architecture for Jon

house down at the wharf

shipping container house for Jon

JEB down at the wharf

one eyed seal

canoe and tulip sculpture at Bastion Square

view at Ogden Point

hike at Gowland Tod provincial park

arbutus trees...they look naked, no?

more arbutus trees

i'm obviously fascinated by these trees (as are many west coast artists)
the bark is thin and red and then peels to smooth nakedness

giant banana slug...remember tremors?

the water is finlayson arm...the island hwy is on the other side

view from the top
my trip to nanaimo to visit Toby and Mary:

the Malahat lookout on the island hwy north to Nanaimo


my wake up call in Nanaimo (Nacho the donkey; photo by Toby)

Nacho and Suzy from afar

mum and babe sheep that live beside Toby and Mary's house

black sheep

bbq dinner with the Hewsons and Co. after our final exam

the galloping goose trail (my bike ride to work)

giant smelly lilies
Victoria has been awesome thus far but SO happy to be going home tomorrow for a week and a bit to see my husband...(and the kitty too).
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