norman and i outside of emerg at Vic Gen (best preceptor ever!)

my roommates for a month (John and Jeff)

zen garden at the art gallery of greater victoria...the day i decided to borrow john's car to go see the emily carr exhibit and then proceed to scrape his new tire rim across a curb

victoria legislature and totem

tree outside the Victoria legislature

i decided to go to the bug museum one day and my first look at the bugs showed these ones mating

pink tarantula

a bug the size of my hand

awesome madagascar beetles in their (natural?) habitat

jon came to visit for a couple of days

so toby and mary came down from nanaimo and joined us for a hike and some chow at john's restaurant

john, me, jon, toby, mary and molly (the rockstar)

really big tree, gowlland tod

gowlland tod hike

toby, mary, john, me and jon at smoken bones

the breakwater at ogden point

the lighthouse at ogden point

side of the breakwater at ogden point

jon in chinatown

it was mother's day and we found roses in the water

one day i decided to take the galloping goose trail and try and ride to another town and maybe see the ocean...side trail on my way to metchosin

side trail off the galloping goose on my way to metchosin

somewhere on taylor road in metchosin

found the ocean, with a clear view of the mountains (American mountains, but still...)

it was worth the 40 km ride to find this beach, even if it meant going all the way down taylor road to find it (which inevitably meant having to climb back up to get on the trail home...don't mind my sock, i was bike riding)

among our chinatown candy finds:

john and the "everyburger"...a chocolate biscuit that resembled miniature burgers...john looks like a giant eating a regular sized hamburger

my new favourite candy...it's true, it's very powerful

so powerful it included a diagram